61.   The peace agreement divides Bosnia into the federation and a Serb entity.

62.   The name of the winning Serb candidate to the collective Bosnian presidency should be announced Monday evening, the electoral commission of the Serb entity announced here.

63.   The name of the winning Serb candidate to the collective Bosnian presidency should be announced Monday evening, the electoral commission of the Serb entity announced.

64.   The Serb entity and the Moslem-Croat Federation make up the Republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina under the Dayton peace treaty signed in December.

65.   The Serb entity and the Moslem-Croat federation make up the Republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina under the peace treaty signed in December.

66.   The programme is aimed by Washington at building up the forces of the Moslem-Croat Federation, which shares Bosnia-Hercegovina roughly equally with a Serb entity.

67.   The same day, Plavsic announced that Karadzic was still president of the Serb entity but said she was going to carry out his functions.

68.   The shape of the Serb entity is apparently a sticking point as Izetbegovic told reporters his government rejected the idea of a Bosnian Serb republic linked to Serbia.

69.   The Serb entity was almost entirely cleansed of non-Serbs, Moslems in particular.

70.   The Serbian parliament hailed on Monday a treaty establishing special relations between federal Yugoslavia and the Serb entity in Bosnia.

a. + entity >>共 468
separate 9.59%
new 7.65%
serb 5.93%
political 3.87%
single 3.65%
corporate 3.18%
the 3.10%
palestinian 3.05%
independent 2.92%
legal 2.71%
serb + n. >>共 510
force 10.88%
police 5.97%
leader 5.80%
authority 2.60%
troop 2.14%
position 2.14%
soldier 2.10%
official 2.05%
refugee 1.72%
civilian 1.66%
entity 0.67%
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