61.   Many scholars believe it was during this period that Varela began supporting Cuban independence from Spain.

62.   Scholars believe Jesus preached in Aramaic, the language used by ordinary Jews of his time.

63.   Scholars believe Revelations was referring to Nero, the cruel Roman emperor, not Satan, Caldwell said.

64.   Scholars believe the Khmer Rouge was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Cambodians through starvation, overwork and execution.

65.   Scholars believe that on policy, certain important steps can be taken despite the division.

66.   Some scholars believe the Manteno ran a vast maritime empire, trading by ocean with people as far north as the Aztecs in what is now Mexico.

67.   Some scholars believe that the codes also mandate the niqab, but that remains hotly debated.

68.   Some scholars believe that the Mantenos had a maritime empire that traded with the Aztecs in Mexico.

69.   Some scholars believe nomads invented infibulation, cutting and sewing closed the vaginal opening, to keep women herders monogamous and to protect them from rape.

70.   Stepanek said some scholars believe the prints are based on the biblical book of Proverbs, although Goya never documented that notion.

n. + believe >>共 628
official 8.24%
police 7.86%
analyst 6.69%
expert 4.89%
people 4.77%
investigator 4.12%
authority 4.01%
scientist 3.11%
observer 2.53%
researcher 1.72%
scholar 0.42%
scholar + v. >>共 325
say 23.80%
be 5.30%
believe 4.66%
agree 3.62%
have 2.65%
argue 2.52%
think 1.42%
consider 1.23%
begin 1.16%
disagree 1.16%
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