61.   Shaath said PLO chairman Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin would only meet if the delegations failed to meet their deadline.

62.   Still, Boeing and other aircraft manufacturers are not expected to slip into the red, said Boeing chairman Frank Shrontz.

63.   That includes older restructuring measures, particularly concerning the defence and space sectors, the chairman said.

64.   The central bank said Cosmo chairman Sanpachi Taido would resign to take responsibility for the debacle.

65.   The committee has seen a video tape of Leung being questioned by ICAC officers but wants to seem more footage, said panel chairman Ip Kwok-him.

v. + chairman >>共 214
include 11.96%
say 8.74%
meet 5.78%
name 5.51%
choose 2.82%
appoint 2.69%
replace 2.55%
act 2.42%
have 1.88%
remain 1.88%
say + n. >>共 862
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police 6.88%
spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
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report 2.47%
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trader 1.74%
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