61.   Sony currently has a cell phone factory in Beijing, while Ericsson runs plants in Beijing and Nanjing.

62.   The Japanese consumer electronics giant has a phone factory in Beijing, while Ericsson runs plants in Beijing and Nanjing.

v. + plant >>共 810
build 9.77%
close 6.41%
have 4.09%
operate 2.33%
sell 2.19%
use 1.80%
grow 1.67%
buy 1.32%
water 1.32%
run 1.14%
run + n. >>共 962
risk 2.96%
ball 2.84%
company 2.69%
business 2.62%
ad 2.52%
country 2.21%
program 2.17%
course 2.07%
gamut 1.52%
race 1.46%
plant 0.34%
每页显示:    共 62