61.   But by a trick of fate, the ruling may make it easier to prosecute the Westerners who spied for them.

62.   David Zisso, an adviser to Health Minister Ephraim Sneh, said Tuesday that the court ruling made it necessary to set down new procedures.

63.   Defense attorney Jonathan Turley said the ruling makes it all but impossible for the Navy to prosecute King without violating his constitutional right to a speedy trial.

64.   He said the Supreme Court ruling made it more likely that they would be allowed in on Monday.

65.   His ruling Wednesday made the injunction permanent.

66.   Kelly said the ruling should make it easier for employees at other Wal-mart stores in Canada to organize.

67.   McSorley says the ruling may make it increasingly difficult for him to do his job.

68.   Nine of those would-be candidates went to court to appeal the decision and won, but Agbamuche said the court ruling made no difference in light of the decree.

69.   Officials suggested that the appeals court ruling would have made the pursuit of a breakup too time consuming and difficult to achieve.

70.   Salomon Smith Barney tobacco analyst Martin Feldman predicted the ruling would make it more difficult for the Justice Department to succeed in a separate lawsuit against the cigarette manufacturers.

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