61.   The satellites that orbit around the sun had their rightful place in the spotlight Thursday.

62.   The Promise Keepers, a coven of Christian men resolved to regain their rightful place in the world order, do, in fact, look good on paper.

63.   Their ambition is to lay the groundwork for a military establishment so effective that its mere presence will guarantee Russia what they deem its rightful place among nations.

64.   Then the environmental landscapers put in the willow and mule fat cuttings, along with cottonwood saplings, to take their rightful place among the native plants.

65.   They desperately need a catch phrase that will define the team and establish its rightful place in history.

66.   They seemed finally to be on the way to their more rightful place in the division.

67.   They just had to let it come to them like a crown finding its rightful place on the head of a king.

68.   Though not an unqualified success, it proves a remarkable account of a masterpiece that has yet to attain its rightful place with the operagoing public.

69.   This was the night that returned Indiana to its rightful place, to the Final Four, for the first time in a decade.

70.   To Shinkafi and others, the state was merely recalling the rightful place that Islam and Shariah occupied in northern Nigeria before the British arrived.

a. + place >>共 708
second 7.66%
first 6.84%
third 5.72%
public 3.05%
fourth 2.51%
good 2.49%
right 2.35%
last 2.27%
only 2.11%
same 1.75%
rightful 0.38%
rightful + n. >>共 114
owner 29.89%
place 21.51%
heir 4.52%
claim 2.58%
ruler 2.58%
position 2.15%
leader 1.94%
winner 1.72%
ownership 1.29%
president 1.29%
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