61.   While talks between Clinton and Republican leaders were called off yesterday, Clinton is scheduled to meet with bipartisan congressional leaders at the White House to restart talks.

62.   Peres urged Arafat to rein in extremists and offered to restart peace talks only after the violence has ended.

63.   Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said the United States must veto the Israeli demand and enforce the Tenet plan and an earlier program for restarting peace talks as a package.

64.   Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said in Washington on Sunday that the United States was preparing a new proposal to restart talks.

65.   Powell arrived in Jordan late Thursday on his tour of the Middle East aimed at ending Palestinian-Israeli violence and restarting peace talks.

66.   Palestinian officials have rejected reported Israeli proposals to restart peace talks, which have been stalled for more than two months.

67.   Peres said he would discuss with President Clinton ways to restart the talks.

68.   President, Congress try to restart budget talks.

69.   Rebels in southern Mexico have rejected a proposal to restart peace talks that Congress is to debate Monday.

70.   A complete settlement freeze is a key recommendation by the international commission led by former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell for restarting peace talks.

v. + talk >>共 397
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follow 1.55%
restart 1.48%
restart + n. >>共 178
talk 28.49%
negotiation 14.87%
computer 4.43%
reactor 4.26%
engine 2.17%
race 2.17%
economy 2.09%
plant 1.92%
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