61.   To the consumers, the responsibility still lies with Tenaga because, according to the law, its sub-contractors are its legal agents.

62.   While calling for concerted action, Boutros-Ghali emphasized the summit theme that ultimate responsibility lies with individual countries.

63.   For that responsibility lies within Europe.

64.   He added that the responsibility for that lay with British Prime Minister John Major.

65.   Heuze said UNICEF donor nations should be encouraged by the fact a high-level internal check was being carried out to uncover irregularities and determine where the responsibility lay.

66.   However, wary of possible law suits, the United States insisted the responsibility did not lie with governments alone.

67.   However, wary of possible lawsuits, the United States insisted the responsibility did not lie with governments alone.

68.   However, wary of possible lawsuits, Washington insisted the responsibility did not lie with governments alone.

69.   Moscow has already said that it cannot be held reponsible in the affair, arguing that the responsibility lay with the ex-Soviet authorities.

70.   Responsibility lies partly with the climate.

n. + lie >>共 1905
body 4.21%
problem 3.38%
answer 3.28%
man 1.32%
future 1.17%
fault 1.13%
responsibility 0.97%
challenge 0.95%
solution 0.89%
people 0.89%
responsibility + v. >>共 154
be 31.62%
lie 8.70%
include 7.11%
come 4.04%
fall 4.04%
rest 3.92%
have 2.33%
go 1.84%
make 1.59%
change 1.23%
每页显示:    共 71