61.   But the party resisted the move.

62.   But the SDLP has resisted the move.

63.   But the south has called for international observers, a move so far resisted by Sanaa.

64.   Clinton, a Democrat, has strongly resisted Republican moves to cut social spending, notably on federal education loans and health care for the elderly and working poor.

65.   Croat nationalists however have strongly resisted the move and in recent days have attacked Moslems entering the Croat areas.

66.   The professional association of magistrates meanwhile said it would resist moves to sack Brussels chief prosecutor Benoit Dejemeppe, the most senior official criticised by the report.

67.   The United States had initially resisted the move and the Bosnian government expressed bitter disappointment after the vote, insisting Belgrade was resupplying Bosnian Serbs by helicopter at night.

68.   Trade unions have warned they will resist privatisation moves and have been pressing the government to restructure the company to make it more profitable.

69.   Krupp on Tuesday announced a takeover bid for Thyssen, which responded by saying it would resist the move by all possible means.

70.   Krupp earlier Tuesday announced a takeover bid for its bigger rival Thyssen, which initially said it would resist the move.

v. + move >>共 719
make 20.90%
oppose 4.53%
welcome 3.71%
see 3.66%
announce 2.74%
support 2.63%
aim 2.20%
block 1.85%
criticize 1.61%
consider 1.56%
resist 0.91%
resist + n. >>共 914
temptation 8.74%
pressure 7.83%
arrest 6.08%
effort 5.24%
call 4.93%
attempt 3.83%
change 3.12%
urge 2.88%
idea 2.51%
demand 2.19%
move 1.69%
每页显示:    共 77