61.   Some foreign representatives attended privately, and there were officials from several Russian regions.

62.   Talks to free the hostages have been conducted by Dagestani officials, although the separatists have demanded that Russian military representatives attend.

63.   The Berlin newspaper, Der Tagesspiegel, reported that the Americans held a meeting during the event which was attended by representatives from delegations from three continents.

64.   The conference is being attended by representatives from Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Cambodia.

65.   The conference was expected to last three days and was attended by representatives of all eight factions involved in the war.

66.   The meeting is attended by representatives of various student organisations throughout the country.

67.   The meeting followed a January conference held in Kingston, Jamaica, which was attended by representatives from more than seven Caribbean nations.

68.   The seminar was attended by representatives of African governments, U.N. agencies, donors and aid groups.

69.   The Parit Umno Youth was ordered to reconvene its meeting as it was attended by representatives of branches which had not held their meetings.

70.   The two-day negotiations will be attended by representatives of the Thai government and Armed Forces, the Pentagon and the US manufacturer.

n. + attend >>共 646
child 6.40%
student 4.62%
official 4.19%
people 3.90%
thousand 3.58%
leader 3.55%
member 2.99%
representative 2.75%
president 2.56%
hundred 2.48%
representative + v. >>共 503
say 14.64%
be 14.38%
meet 4.60%
attend 3.02%
have 2.52%
tell 1.61%
visit 1.41%
decline 1.08%
sign 1.02%
call 1.00%
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