61.   Bin Laden, then, represents a radical segment of the Muslim world, and scholars take pains to stress that the religion is not inherently warlike.

62.   A dozen new religions were probably born on the Web this week.

63.   A century ago, the African-rooted religion of Candomble was an unspoken secret in Bahia and its capital, Salvador.

64.   A Texas university professor says blending science and religion is an excellent procedure.

65.   A. I believe that all the major religions are religions of peace.

66.   A. It would begin with the recognition that religion is something that we human beings put together in an effort to give some cultural form to our faith.

67.   A. No, all religions are not equal for me.

68.   Actually, for those of us who believe, even for a one-writer fanatic like me, the religion of literature is more pantheistic than monotheistic.

69.   After all, every religion should be in good fun.

70.   Buddhist, Native American religions are about going back to the Earth.

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