61.   Yet another regular feature is an inspirational photograph which, unfortunately, looks like an ad for an empty chair.

62.   Protests, unheard of for nearly a decade, are becoming a regular feature in Kuala Lumpur.

63.   A smaller segment wants to see other works and avant-garde productions, a regular feature of European houses.

64.   A regular feature now is the shot of Ms. Liani being slapped at the book signing.

65.   Among its regular features were the writings of master storyteller Isaac Bashevis Singer.

66.   Californians have been warned that rolling blackouts could be a regular feature this summer.

67.   Disputes over the abortion plank have become a regular feature of Republican national convention.

68.   Earlier, the players made an appearance on center court in traditional Arab dress in what has become a regular Doha feature.

69.   Hundreds of deaf people were among those worshipping at the mosque, where a sign-language interpreter is to be a regular feature.

70.   In a lilac coat and hat, the mother of Queen Elizabeth II leaned on a walking stick, a regular feature on recent outings.

a. + feature >>共 1272
new 7.89%
standard 1.93%
special 1.92%
main 1.81%
regular 1.72%
common 1.69%
facial 1.65%
important 1.51%
key 1.48%
animated 1.34%
regular + n. >>共 1096
season 18.81%
basis 3.88%
meeting 2.76%
interval 1.21%
contact 1.11%
exercise 1.08%
customer 1.03%
flight 0.96%
session 0.90%
visit 0.86%
feature 0.61%
每页显示:    共 97