61.   Other resource management reforms include the zoning for agriculture.

62.   Panella, a popular politician whose successful reforms have included legalization of divorce, and the other five were put under house arrest after questioning by prosecutors.

63.   Other needed reforms listed include an end to arbitrary detention and imprisonment, ensuring fair trials and stopping the use of the death penalty.

64.   Reforms enacted included the scrapping of colonial-era laws that inhibited freedom of assembly.

65.   Such reforms include lowering market barriers.

66.   The limited reforms included legalizing circulation of the U.S. dollar, approval of the first foreign investment in decades, and allowing a small amount of private business.

67.   The proposed government reforms include changing labor laws to combat rising unemployment and revamping the social security system.

68.   The reforms have included a reduction in state subsidies for Polish agriculture products.

69.   The reforms include a modest liberalization of restrictions on interest rates and foreign currency transactions, the Shanghai Securities News reported.

70.   The reforms include controversial steps such as charging for public services and introducing income taxes.

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