61.   This allows them to justify the higher cost of the deal by the promise of reduced costs as employees are laid off and branches are closed.

62.   Those reduced costs are likely to be passed on to consumers in the form of lower rates, FERC officials said.

63.   Though it is too soon to look at long-term survival rates, the hospital said it had reduced readmissions of heart patients and reduced costs.

64.   Turning shuttle operations over to private contractors four years ago has streamlined operations and greatly reduced costs, the panel said in a report.

65.   Under such poison pills, or shareholder-rights plans, existing shareholders get the right to buy more shares at a reduced cost.

66.   Wilhelm assisted the Manhattan Project in World War II by devising a process for casting large ingots of high-purity uranium and thorium metals at reduced cost.

67.   Wilkerson was skeptical of the rosy picture of quality care and reduced costs painted by insurance executives.

68.   Other parts of the plan involve reparations such as reduced educational costs, cheaper health care and psychiatric counseling for the needy.

69.   Perks the government wants to end include exemption from income tax, free local transportation and the right to buy land at reduced cost.

70.   After reducing costs we also help put in cost-managing systems so that the client can maintain the reduced costs.

a. + cost >>共 604
borrowing 9.97%
high 7.43%
higher 6.19%
lower 5.73%
rising 3.26%
operating 3.21%
medical 2.25%
cutting 1.96%
health_care 1.84%
extra 1.84%
reduced 0.44%
reduced + n. >>共 703
price 3.93%
sentence 3.58%
demand 3.27%
rate 2.95%
charge 2.70%
cost 2.61%
risk 1.92%
role 1.79%
level 1.79%
number 1.66%
每页显示:    共 82