61.   The United States has accused Boutros-Ghali of not pursuing reform aggressively enough.

62.   Those markets largely ignored an announcement by President Ernesto Zedillo that he was pursuing constitutional reforms to open railroads and satellite communications to foreign investment.

63.   To become full partners in the world system, Vietnam and Burma must pursue democratic reforms as demanded by the West.

64.   Under the pro-Western government that took power last year and is now pursuing reforms, the trend of wanting to go abroad for good is lessening.

65.   Trying to pursue structural reform, eliminate trade barriers or stimulate domestic demand can be like trying to make water flow uphill.

66.   Washington announced last June that it would veto Boutros-Ghali, claiming he has not pursued U.N. reform vigorously enough.

67.   He also pledged to pursue pro-market reforms.

68.   In a press statement condensing two weeks of talks with Polish authorities the IMF stressed that Poland must pursue structural reforms to ensure economic growth.

69.   In October, Egypt signed a new agreement with the IMF to pursue economic reforms.

70.   According to a top White House economist, Bush will likely urge Koizumi to pursue structural reforms during his visit while downplaying the role of exports in a recovery.

v. + reform >>共 551
implement 6.10%
introduce 3.08%
need 3.00%
support 2.75%
demand 2.49%
enact 2.48%
make 2.12%
promise 1.91%
carry 1.87%
discuss 1.85%
pursue 1.75%
pursue + n. >>共 1168
case 5.31%
career 3.70%
policy 2.73%
charge 2.25%
interest 2.22%
matter 1.80%
goal 1.70%
claim 1.60%
dream 1.39%
action 1.28%
reform 1.19%
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