61.   For Sun, the business thinking behind Liberty appears to be similar to its game plan with Java, an Internet programming language.

62.   From his living room, he recently led a company task force via E-mail to determine how Lotus would develop software written in the new Java programming language.

63.   He came into the case without a great grasp of computer technology but later competently questioned witnesses about technically arcane subjects like Java programming language.

64.   He is also the author of the elementary programming language Logo.

65.   He said other talks between Novell and IBM have centered around joint ventures, particularly the development of applications based on the Java Internet programming language.

66.   His group of computer scientists was largely given a free rein to pursue Squeak, which was a direct descendant of the Smalltalk programming language.

67.   Home is planning to license Java, the hot new programming language intended for use over the Net.

68.   IBM dominates the market with its operating systems, mainframe database software and programming language compilers.

69.   In addition to being the leading maker of computer workstations, Sun has taken an inside track in technology for the Internet with its red-hot Java programming language.

70.   In its lawsuit, Sun accused Microsoft of trying to foil any chance for Java to become a universal programming language.

a. + language >>共 1403
foreign 6.28%
english 4.17%
official 4.14%
native 2.74%
programming 2.46%
second 2.34%
different 2.24%
new 2.15%
local 1.83%
same 1.79%
programming + n. >>共 288
language 22.27%
cost 3.39%
executive 2.71%
service 2.61%
tool 2.52%
code 2.23%
error 1.94%
skill 1.84%
decision 1.74%
company 1.55%
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