61.   Israel demands a prior Syria commitment for total peace before negotiating the size of any withdrawal from the Golan.

62.   Israel demands a prior Syrian commitment for total peace before negotiating the size of any withdrawal from the Golan Heights.

63.   Israel has offered a phased withdrawal on the Golan Heights ahead of talks on a final deal, but Syria steadfastly demands a prior Israeli commitment to total withdrawal.

64.   Israel wants a prior commitment from Syria for full peace with diplomatic relations, open borders and trade before it pledges any withdrawal from the strategic plateau.

65.   Meanwhile, Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic Wednesday begged off a visit to Washington, saying he had a prior commitment in Germany.

66.   Syria has steadfastly demanded a prior Israeli commitment to a total withdrawal from the strategic plateau.

67.   Syria is demanding a prior Israeli commitment to a total withdrawal from the strategic plateau.

68.   Syria demanded a prior Israeli commitment to return all the heights while the Jewish state wanted Damascus to pledge that peace would include open borders and full diplomatic relations.

69.   Syria demands a prior Israel commitment to return all the plateau and Israel demands open borders and full relations.

70.   Syria wants an Israeli pledge of total withdrawal, while Israel has demanded a prior commitment to full peace with open borders.

a. + commitment >>共 728
long-term 3.95%
firm 3.92%
financial 3.92%
new 3.27%
strong 2.35%
oral 1.99%
prior 1.84%
international 1.65%
military 1.60%
political 1.50%
prior + n. >>共 971
approval 5.18%
knowledge 3.38%
year 2.68%
record 2.59%
commitment 2.32%
conviction 2.19%
experience 1.95%
permission 1.83%
notice 1.58%
agreement 1.49%
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