61.   His advisers have said they long believed that a primary campaign against Florio would be much more difficult and costly than a general election.

62.   In addition, candidates have a total limit on what they can spend nationally in their primary campaigns.

63.   In a primary campaign, it pretty clearly is possible to overpander to special interest groups.

64.   In both his gubernatorial campaigns, the one he lost and the one he won, the Florida Bush constantly used Jeb as his primary campaign identification.

65.   In his primary campaign this year, Traficant acknowledged that he expected to be indicted again this year as part of a grand jury investigation into corruption in Youngstown.

66.   In March, during the primary campaign, Wilson sought to show off his computer savvy by hosting a highly publicized electronic discussion with three dozen computer network veterans.

67.   In previous election years, that kind of money would have been enough to mount a strong primary campaign.

68.   In primary campaign, Dole has invoked his war experience as part of an effort to draw a more textured picture of himself.

69.   In his three-minute speech Wednesday, Corzine touched on familiar issues but without the liberal language that characterized his primary campaign.

70.   In the primary campaign, Vallone was seen as the most conservative of the Democrats, and the closest to Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.

a. + campaign >>共 781
presidential 9.94%
military 4.03%
advertising 3.60%
bombing 3.42%
political 3.28%
new 2.36%
national 1.81%
marketing 1.69%
major 1.15%
aggressive 1.13%
primary 0.73%
primary + n. >>共 1157
reason 3.14%
source 2.92%
season 2.62%
concern 2.42%
goal 2.41%
campaign 2.20%
responsibility 2.07%
state 1.93%
focus 1.66%
voter 1.47%
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