61.   It was among the bottom five in spending on public health, highways, police protection and parks.

62.   Last month, Menino hosted a conference to feel out ways to share basic services such as police protection and education.

63.   Local and state officials complain that the accumulated weight makes it impossible to pay for pressing needs like fire and police protection or repairs to aging roads and bridges.

64.   Married and the father of one child, Cowan has been under special police protection since his undercover work was disclosed.

65.   Only in police protection did a significant number of residents say they noticed an improvement.

66.   Others say police concentrate in poor urban areas because street crimes such as drug dealing and armed robbery are more visible, and residents there demand more police protection.

67.   Outraged by the shooting, residents met with tribal officials to demand more police protection and to organize a Block Watch program.

68.   Police protection sometimes is provided.

69.   Prosecutors said that if they had known the police protection was being removed, they would have taken emergency steps to relocate the woman for her safety.

70.   Racial considerations, ever a factor in the South, are involved in the politics of police protection.

n. + protection >>共 435
bankruptcy 22.63%
police 11.17%
court 5.99%
consumer 4.62%
privacy 2.91%
pass 2.44%
investment 2.21%
government 2.10%
property 2.07%
fire 1.74%
police + n. >>共 515
spokesman 9.77%
official 7.94%
chief 4.26%
car 3.33%
source 2.97%
department 2.95%
report 2.28%
headquarters 2.25%
custody 2.13%
investigation 1.87%
protection 0.95%
每页显示:    共 397