61.   Chinese officials have declined to discuss individual reports of police abuse but deny that any followers have died from mistreatment.

62.   Chinese officials routinely decline to discuss individual reports of police abuse and deny that any followers have died from mistreatment.

63.   Crime down in Karachi, but people complain of police abuse.

64.   However, the cases described in the novel mirror human rights reports which chronicled police abuses in Assiut.

65.   However, the cases described in the novel mirror human rights reports alleging police abuses in Assiut.

66.   Human rights watchdogs such as Amnesty International have long criticized Portugal for police abuse of detainees.

67.   In his letter to police, Iqbal said he killed the children in retaliation for police abuse.

68.   International human rights groups say the government is ignoring mounting evidence pointing to possible police abuses.

69.   Kallel was known for his hard-line positions, and human rights groups have criticized the country for disappearances, harassment and police abuse of detainees.

70.   Nemesio Ribera Linares, sub-director of public relations for the police department, said Wednesday that accusations of police abuse are exaggerated.

n. + abuse >>共 239
child 27.44%
drug 22.34%
alcohol 8.59%
sex 5.22%
right 4.84%
police 3.41%
campaign 2.94%
human-rights 2.22%
finance 1.84%
clergy 1.38%
police + n. >>共 515
spokesman 9.77%
official 7.94%
chief 4.26%
car 3.33%
source 2.97%
department 2.95%
report 2.28%
headquarters 2.25%
custody 2.13%
investigation 1.87%
abuse 0.26%
每页显示:    共 108