61.   All the U.S. forces should be in place within five days, a Pentagon official said Wednesday night.

62.   British officials said Friday that the government expected to have a licensing process in place within a few days to allow the resumption of meat sales.

63.   But a delicate drama takes place within these slips of paper.

64.   But even as the directors looked for a suitor, a gradual turnaround began taking place within the company, led by its president, Patti Larchet.

65.   But such reforms nearly always took place within the existing system and, if not with its blessing, at least with its qualified support.

66.   But that targeting takes place within a specific web site.

67.   But the extra instruction time must take place within a finite school day, which usually has room for no more than seven classes.

68.   But Zatorre and other cognitive neuroscientists have been able to figure out where music perception apparently takes place within our brains.

69.   Cairney has previously said that he has been singled out for charges by Henry during political infighting that has taken place within SAAS.

70.   Carnival art, however, occupies its place within naive and folk art traditions, as collectors are now starting to realize.

n. + within >>共 1410
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