61.   Samuel pinned the blame on the other two suspects, testifying that Joseph and Harris shot the four victims.

62.   Russia has halved gas exports to Ukraine, but President Leonid Kuchma pinned the blame Monday not on Moscow but on incompetent officials in Kiev.

63.   Sinn Fein leaders angrily accused the British and Ulster Unionists of unfairly pinning all blame for the current crisis on the IRA.

64.   The report said police feared the culprits were Muslim and were anxious to pin the blame on Christians to prevent religious strife in the Christian majority town.

65.   The Palestinian Authority avoided pinning official blame on Israel, but Hamas did.

66.   The statement predicted that authorities might try to pin the blame for the bombing on Hezbollah members.

67.   The two new studies pin the blame firmly on humans.

68.   Ultimate blame was pinned on the two structural engineers who designed the skywalks.

69.   Von Gruenigen, who raced in similar adverse conditions on Saturday, said a skier can hardly pin the blame on a bad track and the poor weather conditions.

70.   Watt argued that Samuel testified against Joseph to pin the blame on someone else.

v. + blame >>共 129
take 13.67%
place 9.27%
put 8.49%
share 7.71%
assign 5.71%
accept 5.32%
lay 5.17%
pin 4.64%
shift 3.90%
lie 3.12%
pin + n. >>共 176
hope 40.99%
blame 13.48%
responsibility 2.13%
label 1.28%
loss 1.28%
medal 1.13%
murder 1.13%
ribbon 1.13%
number 0.99%
faith 0.85%
每页显示:    共 94