61.   Clyde, who tried to perform an abortion, fled to another state when he saw the consequences of that action.

62.   Coleman, Forbes said, performed abortions and was frequently a target of anti-abortion protesters.

63.   Currently, military facilities abroad may perform an abortion if the woman pays for it.

64.   Crist reportedly told Zimmerman that Dole stayed in a waiting area at KU Medical Center with one doctor, while Crist and another doctor performed the abortion.

65.   Democrats said the rhetoric from supporters of the bill and the vote would open the way for more threats and attacks against doctors who perform abortions.

66.   Doctors who perform abortions are becoming an endangered species.

67.   Dr. Dave Kittrell, an obstetrician from San Antonio who performs abortions, said most physicians would stop taking care of girls who want an abortion.

68.   Dr. Henry W. Foster Jr., an obstetrician, was named to succeed her, but his nomination foundered when he acknowledged having performed abortions.

69.   Doctors are being discouraged from performing abortions in other ways, Saporta said.

70.   Doctors would have to inform the women of fetal development and show them diagrams on how an abortion is performed.

v. + abortion >>共 215
perform 14.71%
have 13.44%
oppose 11.06%
ban 4.72%
seek 4.00%
get 2.74%
outlaw 2.62%
allow 2.22%
provide 2.02%
legalize 1.86%
perform + n. >>共 763
surgery 7.15%
abortion 5.62%
task 4.47%
operation 3.65%
autopsy 3.57%
procedure 3.56%
duty 3.33%
test 3.27%
service 2.71%
work 2.62%
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