61.   My, how the publishing pendulum doth swing.

62.   Nonetheless, the pendulum may be swinging back.

63.   Now that they are able to keep the babies alive, the pendulum is swinging in the other direction.

64.   Now, however, concerned that the pendulum has swung too far, many Catholic colleges and universities have launched new initiatives designed to strengthen their religious roots.

65.   Now the pendulum has swung.

66.   Now the political pendulum has swung from protecting watersheds to protecting timber and mining interests.

67.   Nowhere has the pendulum swung more than in Miami, where the emotional return of Mourning drew a prolonged standing ovation Tuesday.

68.   No member of the Progressive Caucus, or of the allied interest groups, would suggest that the political pendulum has swung to his or her side.

69.   Now that economic concerns are causing the pendulum to swing back toward general practitioners and family doctors, the committee said concerns about quality of care may be lost.

70.   Of course, we expect the pendulum to swing again.

n. + swing >>共 447
pendulum 12.25%
door 6.95%
momentum 2.19%
mood 2.10%
price 1.74%
gate 1.65%
police 1.46%
stock 1.37%
hitter 1.28%
guy 1.19%
pendulum + v. >>共 21
swing 71.66%
be 5.88%
seem 5.35%
start 4.28%
begin 3.21%
appear 1.07%
move 1.07%
bother 0.53%
can 0.53%
fall 0.53%
每页显示:    共 133