61.   The Treasury analysis recognizes that many families too poor to owe much income tax pay substantial amounts of other federal taxes, like Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes.

62.   The tax was created to ensure that a minimum amount is paid by the wealthy, who may have many deductions and credits.

63.   These entertaining judgment shows confirmed the judgment amount is paid by the show.

64.   These maximum amounts are paid to an actor every quarter if an advertisement appears during that time.

65.   They go out and pay exorbitant amounts of money.

66.   Think of all the children and grandchildren of all the professional officials in the U.S. who suddenly stopped paying exorbitant amounts for autographs and instead got them for free.

67.   This shows the increasing impatience of NFL owners, who are beginning to pay exorbitant amounts for franchises and need a kick to get their business jump-started.

68.   They would have to pay what amounts to union dues and meet other union requirements.

69.   Through a survey, Brynjolfsson tried to calculate what additional amounts Americans would pay for hundreds of conveniences that computers make possible.

70.   Thompson Insurance Enterprises in Kennesaw is one of two area companies that recently paid settlement amounts to the alliance.

v. + amount >>共 727
reduce 8.68%
increase 5.46%
limit 3.75%
spend 2.58%
disclose 2.37%
specify 2.25%
double 2.12%
raise 1.91%
pay 1.88%
sell 1.50%
pay + n. >>共 447
attention 14.35%
tax 6.46%
bill 5.37%
price 4.94%
tribute 3.61%
fee 2.82%
dividend 2.75%
money 2.25%
fine 2.25%
ransom 1.76%
amount 0.46%
每页显示:    共 126