61.   A second copy has turned up and has passed initial tests for authenticity.

62.   About one-fourth of the high school students passed the test needed to graduate.

63.   After passing the test, sales people can set up a Web page of their own on the site and start making contacts to sell computers.

64.   After learning he passed the test, Doyle expressed a mixture of happiness and relief.

65.   After passing certain tests, he was duly enthroned at Tsurphu.

66.   After the psychologists complete the training and pass the test, they will be eligible for two-year licenses to prescribe psychiatric medication with medical supervision.

67.   After the tests are phased in over five years, graduates will have to pass regents tests in math, global studies, United States history, and science.

68.   Al Draibi also passed a test in late September, Hutcheson said.

69.   All volunteer tax preparers must participate in a special IRS training course and pass a test to become certified to prepare returns, said Bailey.

70.   British Telecommunications will have to pass the test, for instance, in order to win FCC approval of its purchase of U.S.-based MCI.

v. + test >>共 591
conduct 12.51%
undergo 6.97%
pass 5.69%
take 5.45%
fail 4.27%
do 3.54%
carry 3.31%
perform 2.65%
use 2.51%
have 2.06%
pass + n. >>共 635
law 12.48%
bill 11.10%
legislation 8.68%
resolution 4.22%
test 3.70%
measure 3.21%
muster 2.23%
ball 1.88%
budget 1.40%
judgment 1.31%
每页显示:    共 461