61.   Detective Wasser said the best thing parents can do to keep their children safe from molesters is to talk about it.

62.   Do we pay less or more than our parents did?

63.   Do you believe parents are doing all that chauffeuring just for the kids?

64.   Does a parent in Des Moines, Iowa, need someone to come in daily and help her dress, or cook her a meal?

65.   Elsewhere, survivors will talk about what their parents did before the war, when they were lumbermen, physicists and seamstresses.

66.   Even though he has been through rough times, Kelley said his parents did a wonderful job rearing him.

67.   Experts explain what parents can do to help these children.

68.   Far from becoming assimilated, in many ways they feel more alienated from British society than their parents ever did.

69.   Expectant parents do.

70.   First thing my parents did is enlist my grandfather, a master carpenter, to come down and enclose the carport of our new house for a studio.

n. + do >>共 1367
government 2.91%
company 2.87%
people 2.75%
team 1.85%
man 1.20%
player 1.16%
woman 0.91%
official 0.72%
child 0.67%
state 0.65%
parent 0.64%
parent + v. >>共 747
be 16.04%
have 4.24%
say 3.66%
want 1.88%
do 1.67%
take 1.48%
need 1.31%
use 1.20%
know 1.20%
make 1.19%
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