61.   From the time infertility patients seek therapy, they and their doctors need to discuss the poorly appreciated hazards of multiple births, the panel said.

62.   Gore has said he did not know it was a fund-raising event, but a Senate panel said he should have known.

63.   However, the panel did not say which board members would be called.

64.   However, the panel said it was unclear exactly where the Melmer gold has ended up.

65.   However, the panel said nifedipine should not be used in patients who have chest pain or are at high risk of heart attack.

66.   If greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced, the United Nations scientific panel has consistently said, atmospheric concentrations will continue to rise and warm the earth further.

67.   Improving service to the public should be a top priority for the new administration and Congress, the panel said.

68.   If the SEC thinks it needs more time, the appeals panel said, it can ask Congress to impose a longer limit for disciplinary proceedings.

69.   In a unanimous decision, the three-judge panel said the lower-court focus on the entire market value was an acceptable method of calculating damages.

70.   In a report submitted to the government, the panel said the government should liberalize salt imports as well as allowing private companies to produce and sell salt.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
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authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
panel 0.10%
panel + v. >>共 650
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