61.   Each panel is unique, and critics say this lack of continuity makes it hard to establish clear legal precedent.

62.   Do this now when the panels are at their smallest.

63.   Echoing a view held by others, Rodgers said the panel could have been more effective had fewer members come to the task with a predisposition on gambling.

64.   Every body panel is new, but the most noticeable change is up front, where a prominent oval grille protrudes like a snout.

65.   Even though the individual panels are lightweight, they must be nailed to a substantial substrate or they will eventually pull loose from the ceiling.

66.   Federal advisory panels are hard at work on the first drafts of such rules.

67.   Five independent panels have been unable to find a unique pattern of diseases or symptoms among gulf war veterans.

68.   He has added foam padding under each table to absorb the sound bounced back from the floor, and new acoustic ceiling panels are being installed in July.

69.   He also said the panel had not been able to question some major witnesses and to examine some documents involved in a related criminal trial in Arkansas.

70.   He points out that the dispute panels are secretive and undemocratic -- revealing neither the evidence nor the rationale for their decisions.

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panel + v. >>共 650
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decide 2.06%
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