61.   They ordered up loans for projects that enriched their friends.

62.   They ordered up the Tacoma shuttle.

63.   Those were heady times when sometimes the management ordered up instant books partly to improve morale, remembered Stuart Applebaum, a Bantam spokesman.

64.   To protect himself from capture or assassination by invaders, Hoxha is reported to have ordered up a surgically enhanced double to attend public gatherings on his behalf.

65.   Wednesday, Christo was ordering up pleats, nips and tucks in this huge object with the care of a tailor.

66.   When ordering up a news group on your computer, pay close attention to punctuation and ignore the impulse to capitalize names.

67.   You could order up the same words for a headline today.

68.   And engineers still need to develop standards so builders can order up standard lengths and sizes.

69.   Capitol Police officials were to announce they had ordered up the so-called quick masks on Wednesday, a congressional official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

70.   City traffic cops, long reviled by motorists for soliciting bribes, have been ordered clean up their act, a newspaper reported Friday.

v. + up >>共 796
free 10.00%
stay 5.95%
light 5.89%
bid 5.59%
fire 5.45%
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order 1.21%
order + p. >>共 61
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