61.   The chip recorded each time the bottle was opened.

62.   The man brought greetings from Lothar Zeimer and opened a bottle.

63.   The participants in the study put their pills in containers with electronic memory devices in the caps that registered every time the bottle was opened.

64.   The other end is for opening beer bottles.

65.   The wines should be served chilled but not freezing, and they should be consumed once the bottle is opened.

66.   Then he opened the bottle and took out a pill.

67.   They might open bottles of champagne, spray them into the air and bounce around like kids.

68.   They never opened the bottle because San Diego lost.

69.   This pop, so called because of the sound made when opening the bottle, is available in and around the Michigan area.

70.   They were kissing, and champagne bottles were being opened.

v. + bottle >>共 351
throw 11.03%
open 5.31%
buy 3.98%
have 2.42%
fill 2.42%
take 2.31%
drink 2.19%
hurl 2.02%
carry 1.96%
find 1.96%
open + n. >>共 626
fire 19.87%
door 10.24%
market 2.73%
way 2.42%
office 2.30%
investigation 2.16%
talk 2.14%
possibility 2.05%
eye 1.78%
window 1.18%
bottle 0.32%
每页显示:    共 92