61.   French and U.S. officials on Monday push hard for progress in Bosnian peace talks in Paris despite new shelling of Sarajevo.

62.   Government sports officials have been pushing for the sport to integrate more rapidly, and the issue was the subject of national debate earlier in the year.

63.   He did not elaborate, but Western officials are pushing authorities in the Yugoslav capital to encourage Kosovo Serbs to participate in the upcoming elections.

64.   In the past, U.S. officials have pushed for a higher yen to help reduce such surpluses.

65.   Islamic officials pushed the rock-throwers back.

66.   Key German officials have been pushing for a short transition period.

67.   Kartashkin said that senior prosecutors, judges and police officials are strongly pushing for resuming executions.

68.   KCBT officials are pushing its Mini Value Line futures contract as the best way for small investors to hedge.

69.   Lugar said NATO officials now should push for a cease fire that would require proper recognition for the countries and boundaries involved.

70.   Officials pushed the theme of reconciliation.

n. + push >>共 1435
government 3.60%
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group 1.77%
administration 1.77%
force 1.72%
official 1.51%
leader 1.31%
man 1.22%
troop 1.21%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
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decline 1.52%
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tell 1.13%
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