61.   Airlines and hotels are offering deep discounts.

62.   Airlines have responded by saying there is nothing illegal and that they already offer discounts that are not available to all, such as senior citzen fares.

63.   Airlines starting to fly new routes or offering deep discounts will likely to be trying to unload free seats.

64.   Airlines like American, Northwest, Continental and USAir are also routinely offering deep discounts through the Internet for weekend travel.

65.   But Alvino rejected those arguments, saying that USAD offers bulk discounts and is a nonprofit organization with no objectives of making large amounts of money.

66.   But as state regulators cut basic rates each of the last four years, the companies complained they could no longer afford to continue offering the discounts.

67.   But he said the authority had already fallen far behind in serving the riders who have flocked to the system since it began offering fare discounts last year.

68.   But rival stores and a German consumer protection agency said it violated laws requiring that discounts be offered to all customers equally.

69.   But sales are a bit slow and Chrysler is offering discount financing even on these brand-new models.

70.   But tellingly, Schacht added that Lucent had chosen to pass up some sales opportunities because it would have had to offer bigger discounts than it felt comfortable giving.

v. + discount >>共 175
offer 35.27%
get 9.10%
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offer + n. >>共 1031
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opportunity 1.08%
discount 1.03%
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