61.   But as their numbers grew, the situation became unsustainable.

62.   But as their numbers grow along with privately operated prisons for adults, their regulation is becoming one of the most significant issues in corrections.

63.   But even companies well protected by managed care arrangements are likely to face increases if the number of uninsured people grows.

64.   But every talk show wants its numbers to grow and get bigger.

65.   But as long as eBay thrives, power sellers appear to be here to stay, and their numbers will probably grow.

66.   But as prices rose, the number of bidders grew noticeably thinner.

67.   But as the number of fliers grow, the effect is stunning, illustrating the horror and loss, one smiling victim at a time.

68.   But gradually, the number of topics grew.

69.   But in secular South Korea, the number is growing and becoming one of the most active churches in East Asia.

70.   But it does now, and the numbers are growing.

n. + grow >>共 1348
economy 6.89%
company 1.77%
number 1.64%
investor 1.53%
business 1.19%
market 1.17%
population 1.14%
demand 1.05%
concern 1.04%
plant 0.95%
number + v. >>共 549
be 38.81%
grow 2.06%
have 1.96%
increase 1.59%
come 1.52%
say 1.46%
rise 1.45%
show 1.30%
remain 1.22%
go 1.18%
每页显示:    共 253