61.   But if you need to spend more than the stipulated amount, you need court approval.

62.   But if a manufacturer wants to assert that its product prevents stomach infections, it would need approval from the Food and Drug Administration.

63.   But he needs approval of the other owners, and a spurned Cleveland has obtained a restraining order to keep the Browns there.

64.   But many details are unresolved and any plan would need the approval of Congress.

65.   But that settlement, which needed congressional approval, was replaced by the much stronger legislation that the tobacco industry refused to accept.

66.   But so far both Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are resisting the idea of reshuffling bureaucracies, or creating a formal agency that would need congressional approval.

67.   But on Friday McCurry said the state would not need federal approval if Congress passed legislation to revamp welfare nationwide.

68.   But the law needs approval by the hard-line Guardian Council before it can be enforced.

69.   But the politically touchy program needs the approval of the full FCC.

70.   But that plan still needs final approval, a process that could take more than a year.

v. + approval >>共 327
win 13.13%
require 12.75%
give 9.32%
need 8.21%
seek 7.62%
receive 7.59%
get 5.11%
await 4.37%
gain 2.69%
have 2.60%
need + n. >>共 1266
help 4.02%
approval 3.29%
money 2.97%
surgery 1.77%
support 1.47%
time 1.37%
change 1.32%
treatment 1.20%
attention 1.06%
lot 0.97%
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