61.   They move with feline agility.

62.   If the water was moving with the wave, the ocean and everything on it would be racing in to the shore with obviously catastrophic results.

63.   Israel would be forced to consider the deployment of an upgraded Patriot air-defence system, and to move ahead with its Arrow anti-tactical ballistic missile project.

64.   As a community of democracies, we can only move forward with the support of our citizens.

65.   She broke off as if afraid of being overheard and moved away with a nod and a wave.

66.   I moved with her, close, towards the centre of the circle and that crazy pile of groceries.

67.   The Frenchman stepped forward, and his colleague moved with him.

68.   His brain moved with a mocking ponderousness, deliberately not helping.

69.   Motion is still restricted at this stage, but as the temperature increases further a larger number of chains begin to move with greater freedom.

70.   The anxious group moved with a slow urgency round the curve of the stair and Madge closed the front door.

v. + with >>共 1051
work 7.83%
come 4.23%
begin 2.27%
cover 1.84%
stay 1.56%
struggle 1.44%
sign 1.35%
combine 1.34%
follow 1.19%
move 0.94%
move + p. >>共 107
with 41.06%
as 5.60%
from 4.82%
after 4.66%
in 3.86%
without 3.64%
toward 3.16%
for 2.88%
of 2.82%
like 2.62%
每页显示:    共 2042