61.   So, as most of Europe takes a huge step toward unity by introducing its new single currency, the euro, why is Gossens worried?

62.   Some technically astute orders even have Web sites, but most take reservations by letter or telephone.

63.   Some people were laid off, but most took buyouts.

64.   Some of the research is done on the NIH campus, but most takes place through grants that are awarded to university researchers around the nation.

65.   Still, she finally accepts her bifocal vision, which is probably how most of us take in the world of art and entertainment these days.

66.   The ballplayers, a notably modest collection on a famously immodest franchise, were so awestruck by the pageantry that most took their own cameras to record the ecstasy.

67.   The burn of black pepper is so ingrained on our taste buds, most of us take it for granted.

68.   The fear of feeling an almost total inability to shape or control events or merely simple things that most of us take for granted.

69.   The news blackout has held remarkably well through seven days, which most take as a good sign that no one wants to blow up the process.

70.   The movie, most of which takes place inside a topless club, features nude women dancing, jogging through neighborhood streets and lathering themselves with motor oil.

n. + take >>共 1201
government 2.42%
company 1.62%
people 1.59%
meeting 1.38%
investor 1.22%
police 1.16%
process 1.02%
official 1.00%
attack 0.80%
team 0.79%
most 0.14%
most + v. >>共 700
be 30.12%
have 4.91%
say 2.87%
come 1.90%
go 1.50%
agree 1.48%
live 1.34%
do 1.26%
use 1.16%
seem 1.01%
take 0.74%
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