61.   Most live or work in Chinatown or downtown Manhattan, though people from other neighborhoods, boroughs and suburbs have shown up there as well.

62.   Most now live in England and the United States, but they still speak in the fading accents of Central Europe.

63.   Most now live in neighboring Pakistan or Iran.

64.   Most of them live mundane lives nagged by fear and distressed by the misguided policies and savage violence of a minority on both sides.

65.   Most of us live on the installment plan.

66.   Most of us live on two sides of a hyphen.

67.   Most are living in cellars, where they have been short of food, living in fear of the punishing Russian bombardment and local marauders.

68.   Most are living in Goma and Bukavu, often in luxurious houses.

69.   Most live in government-subsidized housing.

70.   Most live in hilly communities that flank either side of Bethlehem, along cramped and narrow alleys that the tourists rarely see.

n. + live >>共 1438
people 10.26%
family 9.43%
child 3.22%
couple 2.35%
most 2.24%
man 2.13%
woman 1.76%
parent 1.60%
mother 1.46%
patient 1.12%
most + v. >>共 700
be 30.12%
have 4.91%
say 2.87%
come 1.90%
go 1.50%
agree 1.48%
live 1.34%
do 1.26%
use 1.16%
seem 1.01%
每页显示:    共 181