61.   Slowly, voices mingle with the still cool morning air, and the broad dirt boulevards, packed down by passing feet, are peopled for another day.

62.   The crisp morning air echoes with the shouts and songs of soldiers drilling.

63.   The crisp snap in the early morning air and the shoe-soaking fairways sopping with heavy dew had a familiar feel to the European Ryder Cup team.

64.   The sounds of prayer from a mosque filled the morning air.

65.   The sweet smell of burning incense sticks fills the morning air.

66.   The sweet smell of burning incense filled the morning air.

67.   Waiting horses snort in the morning air, ready for a ride across the desert.

68.   Voters wrapped in blankets stood in the cold morning air.

69.   A long moan echoed through the trees in the still morning air.

70.   Norman opened round two with consecutive birdies to reach six-under par, hurrying along to keep his hot run going in the cool early morning air.

n. + air >>共 208
night 17.08%
morning 8.36%
mountain 7.41%
ocean 5.62%
desert 4.90%
sea 3.70%
winter 3.35%
summer 2.75%
spring 1.79%
fall 1.67%
morning + n. >>共 1413
session 7.11%
hour 4.79%
meeting 2.58%
show 2.08%
sun 2.02%
practice 1.99%
fog 1.91%
paper 1.68%
cloud 1.38%
newspaper 1.21%
air 0.91%
每页显示:    共 70