61.   This skeleton module header is created in the storage directory associated with the charge code which has been specified by the user and can be subsequently read from LIFESPAN.

62.   LIFESPAN scans all the module headers which are marked for entry.

63.   This is achieved via the keyword, MODULE-SUB-TYPE-IS in the module header.

64.   In many cases this will simply require consultation via the telephone, however, in others, you may be required to provide certain information by facsimilie eg.

n. + header >>共 38
module 43.24%
range 9.46%
close-range 5.41%
package 4.73%
bullet 4.05%
close-in 4.05%
message 3.38%
post 2.03%
injury-time 1.35%
example 1.35%
module + n. >>共 76
name 35.68%
header 13.68%
manager 6.84%
owner 4.06%
version 3.63%
type 2.78%
issue 2.35%
descriptor 2.14%
detail 1.92%
phase 1.50%
每页显示:    共 64