61.   To judge by the market activity in puts, many people think so.

62.   Usually with bonds, market activity represents a lot of choppy weather, but ultimately they seem to go nowhere.

63.   Two reports were also major factors in bond market activity.

64.   While stocks opened lower, recent market activity would suggest they may not stay down all day.

65.   While traders were encouraged by the market activity, equity strategists and economists were cautious.

66.   With the gradual end of the recession around the world, analysts said Credit Lyonnais should also see some growth in its corporate lending and capital markets activities.

67.   With overall market activity strong Thursday, both companies played down the effect their announcement had on trading.

68.   With the dollar and commodity prices subdued, traders said credit market activity was dictated by technical factors and the weaker-than-expected data.

69.   Xanthakis expects market activity to increase, partly because momentum is so strong.

70.   Outside the cordon, the streets bustled with market activity.

n. + activity >>共 1140
business 8.24%
market 2.82%
settlement 2.56%
construction 2.28%
rebel 2.07%
shower 2.04%
brain 1.83%
merger 1.78%
gang 1.76%
leisure 1.60%
market + n. >>共 783
share 12.82%
economy 4.18%
condition 3.27%
reform 2.97%
sentiment 2.63%
participant 2.58%
force 2.36%
index 2.07%
leader 1.89%
analyst 1.75%
activity 0.81%
每页显示:    共 161