61.   For the first time ever, a majority of Israelis favor immediate, unilateral withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon, according to a poll published Sunday.

62.   For the first time, a majority of Israelis favor immediate, unilateral withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon, according to a poll published Sunday.

63.   However, polls show a large majority of Palestinians favor the bombings.

64.   It, too, found that a majority favored providing benefits such as inheritance rights, Social Security benefits and health insurance.

65.   Majority of Israelis favor Palestinian state.

66.   Maccanico has suggested a large majority in parliament favored something along the lines of a strong president system, but he has declined to set a definite program.

67.   Opinion polls show that a majority of Australians favor replacing the queen with a president.

68.   Opinion surveys show that despite the law, a slight majority of Poles favor more liberal access to abortion.

69.   Polls show that a big majority of Americans favors censure over impeachment.

70.   The heavy majority favors the Dutchman, but the French say they will go to the mat for their man.

n. + favor >>共 732
majority 3.18%
administration 2.71%
investor 2.71%
voter 2.43%
party 1.99%
government 1.67%
group 1.67%
law 1.63%
official 1.55%
odd 1.51%
majority + v. >>共 510
be 23.41%
say 4.80%
support 3.44%
want 3.20%
vote 3.04%
have 2.69%
oppose 2.43%
believe 2.29%
favor 2.13%
do 1.09%
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