61.   But a lot has happened since.

62.   But a lot could happen in three months.

63.   But a lot has happened in one year.

64.   But a lot has happened since, and conspicuous decadence is wearing a little thin.

65.   But at the same time, a lot is happening behind the scenes.

66.   But if nothing is happening at the Vatican, he believes a lot is happening elsewhere.

67.   But lots can happen before we get to cross those airy bridges into the next century.

68.   Even when nothing seems to be happening on the field, a lot is happening.

69.   For a while, not a lot happens in the novel.

70.   He was scrambling a lot and tried to make a lot happen on his own.

n. + happen >>共 1291
thing 31.48%
accident 8.08%
incident 5.34%
attack 1.90%
lot 1.61%
opposite 1.47%
crash 1.17%
stuff 1.15%
change 1.11%
shooting 1.11%
lot + v. >>共 523
be 62.24%
have 4.08%
go 1.89%
depend 1.70%
happen 1.60%
change 1.40%
think 1.37%
do 1.36%
come 1.21%
get 0.89%
每页显示:    共 119