61.   NBA coaches dress up because of league rules and tradition.

62.   No time is a good time for an NFL team to be assessed a large sum for breaking league rules.

63.   Now comes word that a small but powerful group of owners wants Snyder fined for ignoring a league rule pertaining to the ownership structure of his team.

64.   NFL owners hid behind a league rule that prohibits teams from contacting prospective coaches for jobs while their clubs remain in the playoffs.

65.   Odelein was ejected from the game because his jersey was not tied down according to league rules.

66.   On Friday, Cuban was suspended for two games under league rules governing team officials other than the coach entering the playing court during a game.

67.   Over the last four years, for example, Giants players ignored the league rules about guns.

68.   Owners said Tuesday that they were going to make sure Davis adhered to the league rule requiring an owner who sues the league unsuccessfully to pay its legal bills.

69.   Parents and coaches said the league rules are being applied too strictly.

70.   Public criticism of officials is a violation of league rules.

n. + rule >>共 1461
ground 4.72%
trade 3.77%
safety 3.39%
work 3.11%
government 2.31%
election 2.15%
court 2.13%
league 1.82%
ethic 1.77%
team 1.68%
league + n. >>共 598
official 6.95%
leader 6.54%
title 6.35%
game 5.85%
match 5.79%
office 3.54%
champion 3.43%
history 3.41%
rule 2.52%
championship 2.38%
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