61.   His lawyers claim he cannot answer detailed questions and has problems with his memory as well as a range of physical ailments, including kidney problems.

62.   His lawyers claim that the arrest is illegal and politically motivated.

63.   His lawyers claim he is too ill to ever stand trial.

64.   His lawyers claim that he cannot answer detailed questions and has problems with his memory.

65.   His lawyers claim the names are widely used and not trademarked, he said.

66.   His lawyers claimed that he was targeted by police because he is a prominent Islamic activist in the Red Sea town of Suez.

67.   His lawyers have repeatedly claimed he was charged in revenge for reports he filed for a Japanese television network exposing environmental damage inflicted by the fleet.

68.   It said an American lawyer claimed to be acting for a group of soldiers or bodyguards led by a mysterious man known only as The Sergeant.

69.   It said the lawyer claimed to be acting for a group of soldiers or bodyguards led by a mysterious man known only as The Sergeant.

70.   Last summer, defense lawyers claimed prosecutors were too late in charging the defendants because the statute of limitations for conspiracy is five years.

n. + claim >>共 721
group 11.62%
official 4.05%
government 3.92%
side 2.70%
rebel 2.03%
critic 1.83%
company 1.83%
police 1.64%
authority 1.48%
leader 1.47%
lawyer 0.86%
lawyer + v. >>共 494
say 29.39%
be 5.86%
argue 4.28%
have 2.27%
ask 2.05%
tell 1.51%
file 1.30%
try 1.13%
represent 1.13%
contend 1.06%
claim 0.87%
每页显示:    共 106