61.   That is, no permanent record is kept of how lawmakers voted.

62.   That would cut off debate on the bill unless lawmakers immediately voted to overrule the objection.

63.   The first-round is usually the most important round of voting on constitutional amendments, signaling the way lawmakers will vote throughout the process.

64.   The first round of voting in the lower house, however, is normally considered an indicator of how lawmakers will vote in other rounds.

65.   The House adopted a rule by voice vote last night that would allow lawmakers to vote on four separate versions of term limits.

66.   The group plans to track legislation, educate Hispanic voters and issue a report card on how lawmakers vote on key issues affecting Hispanics.

67.   The State Senate was two votes shy of an override when lawmakers first voted to approve a ban in June.

68.   There is an implicit threat of more pointed advertisements if the lawmakers do not vote as union officials wish.

69.   There was some resistance, especially in the House, where two lawmakers voted against the plate.

70.   To accomplish the kill, House Majority Whip David Eberhart used a procedural manuever that allowed his fellow lawmakers to vote without having their names go on record.

n. + vote >>共 621
parliament 6.32%
member 5.84%
people 5.51%
board 3.75%
lawmaker 3.74%
committee 3.23%
shareholder 2.88%
majority 2.22%
senator 1.85%
deputy 1.73%
lawmaker + v. >>共 977
say 10.39%
be 7.62%
have 2.60%
want 2.11%
vote 1.97%
approve 1.94%
call 1.47%
consider 1.46%
pass 1.27%
agree 1.10%
每页显示:    共 191