61.   Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin said the revised budget would guarantee more of the investment spending that lawmakers demanded when they rejected the earlier drafts.

62.   Republican lawmakers demand that the White House explain why a nuclear weapons lab scientist kept his job for nearly three years while under investigation for spying for China.

63.   Several thousand Kuwaitis have bought gas masks recently, and some lawmakers have demanded that the government provide them free of charge.

64.   The case cast a shadow on Israel-U.S. relations, as lawmakers demanded that Israel turn over the teenager for trial in Maryland.

65.   The lawmakers also demanded that China return their home-entry permits, travel documents that guarantee ethnic Chinese automatic right of entry to China.

66.   The lawmakers demanded an investigation by the House of Representatives, saying police should have kept in mind their primary responsibility to protect, not harm, citizens.

67.   The lawmakers demanded increased budget revenues and more spending on education, health, and social subsidies.

68.   The lawmakers have demanded the possibility to conduct informal polls among servicemen and to address the troops on behalf of their candidates, ITAR-Tass reported.

69.   There was no immediate word on the fate of Defense Minister Pavel Grachev, whose resignation also was among those demanded by lawmakers.

70.   Two lawmakers demanded retribution Saturday against the prosecutors who sent eight fishermen to jail for reporting illegal fishing by their employer.

n. + demand >>共 1253
group 3.60%
rebel 2.85%
government 2.78%
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official 2.33%
protester 2.26%
union 1.94%
investor 1.90%
worker 1.79%
student 1.69%
lawmaker 1.07%
lawmaker + v. >>共 977
say 10.39%
be 7.62%
have 2.60%
want 2.11%
vote 1.97%
approve 1.94%
call 1.47%
consider 1.46%
pass 1.27%
agree 1.10%
demand 0.84%
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