61.   State laws also ban the practice of redlining minority areas.

62.   Supporters argued that while current law bans using U.S. funds to pay for abortions, aid to groups that perform them frees up money for abortion on demand.

63.   That law banned sales of assault weapons by name and empowered the state attorney general to add similar new guns to the list, subject to court approval.

64.   The Brady law also bans gun sales to drug abusers, alcoholics, illegal immigrants and people wanted on felony charges or under restraining orders for domestic violence.

65.   The current labor laws ban job dismissals unless a company is on its last legs.

66.   The current law bans shopping on Sundays in most of the country, except in airports, gas stations and train stations.

67.   The draft law would ban single women from almost any fertility procedure, from artificial insemination to in-vitro fertilization.

68.   The law also bans smoking on airline flights of less than one hour.

69.   The law bans detachable magazine semiautomatic rifles with thumbhole stocks, vertical or forward handgrips, folding or telescopic stocks, grenade or flare launchers and flash suppressors.

70.   The law also banned the use of English on signs and in other venues and forced the children of immigrants to attend French schools.

n. + ban >>共 387
government 18.97%
law 9.04%
authority 8.07%
police 4.32%
bill 3.10%
state 2.52%
sanction 2.48%
court 2.29%
official 2.13%
treaty 1.90%
law + v. >>共 527
be 14.23%
require 10.82%
allow 7.46%
prohibit 4.86%
make 2.67%
give 2.41%
apply 2.12%
bar 2.04%
forbid 2.00%
have 1.84%
ban 1.57%
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