61.   Reiner discussing whether Cheney would be limited by his latest episode.

62.   The arrest is the latest episode in a seething power struggle rife with scandal and backbiting.

63.   The ban was the latest episode in weeks of controversy over the participation of an Indonesian student in the recent Miss Universe pageant in Las Vegas, Nevada.

64.   The Italian government issued only one brief statement on the latest episode, which has received scant attention in the Italian media.

65.   The latest episode prompted Finance Committee chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, to allege that the letter drafted for Texas regulators amounted to new retaliation.

66.   The grim discovery is the latest episode to emerge from a series of child kidnappings and murders which has gripped Belgium over the past several months.

67.   The latest episode lasted roughly two hours, which he said is shorter than most.

68.   The latest episodes involve U.S. citizens with advance security clearance to visit the White House.

69.   The personnel chief for the governing Rally for the Republic party was detained for questioning Friday in the latest episode of suspected illegal party financing.

70.   The shooting was the latest episode in a standoff that pitted authorities against a group of armed separatists who want Texas to secede from the United States.

a. + episode >>共 573
first 8.40%
pilot 4.20%
new 3.72%
whole 3.59%
latest 3.51%
final 3.33%
recent 3.29%
entire 2.51%
second 2.34%
the 1.99%
latest + n. >>共 1083
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development 2.47%
attack 1.66%
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incident 1.51%
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