61.   The water search is the last hope of finding the airplane.

62.   Then in March, Upsala saw its last hope dashed.

63.   They could be the last hope to shore up the line, which has struggled, especially in Tampa.

64.   To him, suppressing facts, rather than revealing them, represents the last hope for reviving the reputation of Clarence Thomas.

65.   Thus if active community life is the secret to American democracy, as Tocqueville thought, then it looks like religious institutions are our last best hope.

66.   Tribes view the upcoming meeting with the governor as their last hope of resolving through negotiations a bitter dispute with the state over slot machines and other gambling issues.

67.   Under these circumstances, the small-bore efforts at moral renewal by politicians like Lieberman and Coats are our last best hope.

68.   We went to our last hope, the old Toyota.

69.   Wadleigh, though, sees the Woodstock festival as a symbol of the last best hope for the human race.

70.   With the price of major-league talent getting out of hand, abolishing the draft might be their last hope of being competitive.

a. + hope >>共 722
high 13.69%
best 8.76%
only 7.91%
new 3.82%
false 3.20%
great 2.49%
last 2.49%
real 1.60%
renewed 1.49%
faint 1.29%
last + n. >>共 522
season 13.70%
year 7.78%
summer 7.20%
fall 5.24%
time 4.81%
weekend 4.53%
week 4.10%
day 3.19%
spring 3.07%
month 2.95%
hope 0.13%
每页显示:    共 111